How To Become a Tax Lawyer in 2024

Victor Okoma

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Becoming a tax lawyer is a very good choice; Tax lawyers are often asked to put tax situations and simple terms into simple terms for business owners and individual clients.

This is another reason why they are in such demand, because it is a necessary part of all business transactions. Even nonprofit organizations hire tax lawyers to document their transactions while also staying up-to-date on all the tax processes in this type of business.

Tax lawyers can be viewed as a client’s ultimate line of defense against the IRS, and that sometimes becomes literal when tax lawyers represent their clients in court.

This article will try to cover all that is necessary to become a tax lawyer.

What is a tax lawyer’s job?

A tax lawyer helps individuals and organizations with all aspects of their taxes. This could mean generating a legal way of reducing tax exposure or representing clients in court during disputes with the IRS or other government entities.

Tax lawyers spend a typical workday doing a variety of tasks. There is typically a need to research some type of tax law. There are also negotiation responsibilities that involve other lawyers when conducting all types of transactions.

When a tax lawyer represents a client in court, their duties focus on preparing for a trial. Other tax lawyers work with teams representing businesses or organizations.

There are several specialty areas that tax lawyers can enter into, and they include the following:

  • Appeals
  • Audits
  • Litigation
  • Estate planning
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Corporate tax
  • Real estate tax

These, however, are just a few of the areas that require the service of a tax attorney. No matter what area of tax law an attorney chooses, certain qualities are requisite. 

One of the primary duties of a tax lawyer is to ensure full compliance for clients. This often applies to meeting and adhering to strict government deadlines.

Tax attorneys may also work to design tax planning projects, as there is some room for creativity in this regard. In most instances, clients hand over a lot of responsibility to tax lawyers because they are the experts in this particular field. 

Tax Lawyer’s Salary and Wages

The salary of most tax lawyers is often determined by billable hours. That could mean tax lawyers will have to keep track of every minute of work they do for clients.

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the annual salary of a lawyer to be $120,910. Average tax lawyers can expect to make slightly more than that amount. also revealed that the average annual salary for United States tax lawyers checks in at $133,580 annually.

Entry-level tax lawyers generally make less than the average amount, and much of their time is often spent conducting research. Entry-level positions typically start at $77,000 and can stretch up to $105,000.

Experience creates a greater value for individual tax attorneys, and that leads to an increase in pay throughout their careers. For example, tax lawyers with four to eight years of experience can expect to make about double the lower entry-level salaries.

How to Become a Tax Lawyer

There is a specific educational path mapped out for those interested in becoming tax lawyers. Tax law is a lot different from family law and does not involve as much personal interaction.

But there are more numbers iinvolved,and that’s why it’s important to have a strong background that will prepare students for what they will face as future tax lawyers.

Educational Requirements

The following education requirements will be needed to start practicing as a tax lawyer:

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • LSAT
  • Law School Admission
  • Juris Doctor Law Degree
  • MRPE
  • Bar Examination

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Educational Paths (Necessary Exams and Tests)

The completion of an undergraduate degree will pave the way for a comprehensive law school entrance examination. This examination is the LSAT (Law School Admission Test).


No student will gain admission to a law school without first taking this test and earning a favorable score. Every year, law schools only accept so many new students, which means the strength of an application could be the determining factor.

One of the main parts of that application is the applicant’s LSAT score. That’s why aspiring tax lawyers need to achieve a high score on this test.

You can take the LSAT more than once, although policy requires that all test scores be available for 5 years. That stresses the importance of performing well on the first attempt.

Gaining admission to law school means that the LSAT is behind a student, and they can focus on the workload ahead. A law school education curriculum spans 3 years, while specific courses and requirements differ from school to school.

Some law school programs have been approved by the American Bar Association, simply meaning that they are expected to teach the minimum requirements needed to pass the bar exam.

Law school is there to teach lawyers what they will need to know in the field, although it is also a building block for taking the bar exam.

LSAC GPA Calculator

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After graduation from law school, the next step involves passing the MPRE (Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination). This is necessary to be eligible to take the State Bar Examination.

The MPRE is a 60-question exam that focuses on ethics. After getting a passing score, students are eligible to take the bar examination in their respective states.

Bar Exam For Tax Lawyer’s Career

The bar exam is the most difficult part of becoming a tax lawyer, and some students spend months preparing. This examination tests all areas of the law and is very comprehensive. The bar exam administered in each state is not always the same and may consist of any of the following:

  • MBE (Multistate Bar Examination)
  • MPT (Multistate Performance Test)
  • MEE (Multistate Essay Examination)
  • UBE (Uniform Bar Examination)

This marks the final part of a tax attorney’s education. Continuing education is, however, an available option.


Note: To be eligible for a postgraduate program in tax law, an aspirant is required to have completed an LLB or its equivalent degree.

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