What Career Goals Should I Set As A Student?

Victor Okoma

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Growing up and seeking to set up career goals for yourself as a student is not so easy. Sometimes you just get confused about what to focus on and if you can meet up with the goals you set.

However, there are certain things to consider before setting up your career goal as a student. As a student, you should have in mind that any goals you set are what describe who you become in the future.

If you set the wrong goals, you would certainly mess up your life and future, so while setting up a target as a student, you have to sit and think deep.

While in primary, elementary, or grade school before you get into secondary or high school, there is this particular occupation you’ve been dreaming of, and looking forward to becoming that person.

However, you got a different thing when you got to Secondary or high school.

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Because in high or secondary school, you would decide your class, and if you are dreaming of becoming a lawyer and found yourself in a commercial grade, then that is the beginning of a new career. But if you were able to switch to the art class, then you are good to go.

Now you would have to set your goal and sit tight till you achieve it, it may not be easy, but we would guide you.

How to set career goals as a student

While trying to set up a practical career goal as a student, below are factors to take into consideration.

  • Specification
  • Measurable goal
  • Attainable goal
  • Relevancy
  • Timing


While setting up your career goal, you have to be specific on the concrete areas of your goals, align them out, and always try to remember them while moving.

Measurable goal:

You have to set up a measurable goal, know the time frame when you would accomplish the goals. While doing this, you have to be determined.

Attainable goal:

Attainable goals are taken step by step, being well thought out clearly, and given enough time. So when setting up career goals, you have to make sure it attainable.


Are your career goals relevant? You have to ask yourself that simple question. If you are setting a goal, make sure it’s relevant to your career.


A goal should be set within a period. For example: Before I complete my university, I would have set up my chamber as a solicitor.

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You have to take timing very seriously and always go back to it for revision.

How to achieve your goals

  • Write down the steps which you would use to achieve each career goal you have set. Because it would help you to remember, then post it very close to your door or bed.
  • Set a deadline for each task, which you need to accomplish each day, month, and year until a specific goal is achieved.
  • Have a goal partner that thinks towards your directions, or a partner that can help you achieve the goal. It may be your close friend, your father, mother, or mentor.

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Reason for career goals

  • You can set up career goals in other to attain a certain height in life as a leader.
  • Career goals can be set in other to increase your earning in life, in school, or in a company you are working.
  • You need to set up a career goal for a piece of new knowledge, either by meeting new people or joining a new community.
  • Set a new goal to improve yourself, either in your academic or at work, always try to improve by setting a purpose for it.

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