10 Effective Qualities Of a Successful Student

Victor Okoma

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In our world, we see success as a student with impressive results. But teachers aren’t always looking at your score to qualify you as successful, despite its importance. There are good basic qualities they look out for in students, and if they possess them, the teacher may conclude that such students will be successful. So all they have to do is give that student a boost.

So what does it take to be successful as a student? It takes diligence, discipline, punctuality, attention to detail, a positive attitude, and many others to be successful.

The applications of all these good qualities will definitely make you a distinguished student. Most universities recognize students who will be good and successful through these characteristics.

So if you go to college and want your teacher’s attention, there are some qualities you need to show him/her that you’re a good student.

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However, make sure that you and your teacher will be in good standing. Believe me, no teacher wants a lazy student. They want a student open to learning at all times.

For a better understanding of the qualities of a good and successful student, continue reading this article.

What are the Good Qualities Of a Good Student?

Well, positive change requires effort. Numerous success experts cite the key, commonsense principle that you succeed by what you do—not by who you are or how you look. Here are the qualities of a successful student.

1. A Good Student Has A Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a deeply held belief that a person can learn anything given enough time and effort. Carol Dweck is a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. She is the world’s most recognized student of the mindset trait.

In her 2014 Ted talk, she spoke about the growth mindset in terms of, ‘The power of yet’. When your child says, “I can’t do this”, then you need to add, “Yet. I can’t do this yet”.

Dweck’s research shows that even explaining this concept to a child will affect the way they view their learning.

She points to evidence that says, an understanding of growth mindset changes neural pathways that allow for greater growth in learning.

2. A Good Student Is Brave

Brave students are going to be the ones who take risks and amass experiences. They can use those experiences powerfully in their learning and growth.

They are also going to be the students who take learning risks that lead to lateral, out-of-the-box thinking. The world needs that kind of thinker.

Bravery is about taking on daunting challenges; feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Bravery is not the absence of fear. Sometimes when we talk to our kids we say, “Don’t be afraid” or “Don’t be silly, it’s going to be fine”.

This implies that fear is something to be ashamed of. It isn’t. Fear is human and to be expected, but it also needs to be overcome. That won’t just happen by magic. It comes with modeling, teaching, and explaining.

3. A Good Student Is Organized

A high school student can study as many as nine different subjects with nine different teachers and nine different sets of expectations. It is impossible to thrive under those circumstances unless a child is highly organized.

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Fortunately, the organization is something we can teach. We can also employ aids like diaries, planners, and study schedules.

4. A Good Student Is Consistent And Persistent

Learning happens slowly and consistently. Take for example the process we went through when we learned to read. 

There were steps, from holding a book the right way up to recognizing letters to phonetics, years of practicing, and finally fluency. 

It’s not actually that hard to learn to read for neurotically kids, but you do have to develop building blocks and commit to regular practice. It is the willingness to practice that contributes to success as a student.

5. A Good Student Is Able To Deal With Failure

Failure is one of the greatest tools in the learning process. Unfortunately, too many people are simply overwhelmed by the feeling of failure rather than being able to stand back and look at the lessons it can teach us.

Having the tenacity to stare down failure is an extraordinary skill. And are among the good qualities of a successful student.

6. A Good Student Sets Goals

Goal setting focuses a student’s attention towards certain behaviors and information and away from distractions. Research tells us that incremental goals are far more effective than large goals.

If a student is able to break down a big goal, like solving a big problem, innovating, or achieving a higher grade, into small bite-sized pieces they are more likely to be successful.

If they can incorporate the feedback they receive on each occasion, the small wins eventually lead to big achievements.

7. A Good Student Is Able To Connect Learning To Life

Successful student is able to see their studies in the context of the wider world. If a child has read, observed, and discussed the world, issues, and ideas on a regular basis, they will be able to place their learning in context.

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Without context, it is easy to understand why a child would think, “What’s the point?”

It is up to parents to ensure children are exposed to a multitude of ideas and rich resources and experiences. It is up to teachers to ensure that what happens in the classroom is linked to what exists in the wider world.

That sense of relevance is vital for developing in kids a love of learning. It gives school relevance beyond just doing well in testing.

8. A Good Student Knows How To Look After Their Mental Health

One of the greatest obstacles to a child’s academic success can be their mental health. Anxiety, in particular, is a growing concern in Australian schools. 

A large-scale 2018 study, conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) found that “nearly half of Australian students reported feeling “very stressed”, up from 28% in 2003 when the study began.

Students who reported feeling confident while doing difficult schoolwork fell from 76% to 59%.”

It is very difficult to learn when in a state of stress. If a child hasn’t been taught the emotional regulation skills required to create calm and a sense of flow, it is very hard to achieve success.

9. A Good Student Partners With Teachers

A child’s relationship with their teacher is the good qualities of a successful student. Effective students recognize that their teachers are their allies.

The importance of this relationship was borne out in the ground-breaking research of Professor John Hattie.

We tend to see this relationship as being completely in the hands of the teacher. That isn’t the case. Effective learners contribute to the creation of this strong relationship.

They recognize their teachers as valuable resources whom they need to work with in partnership.

These students are easy to recognize, they participate in class, they stay after class and ask extra questions, and they make appointments with their teachers to get help if they need it.

10. A Good Student Values Education

Finally, if a child is to achieve success in education, they need to value education. In life, we very rarely persist or strive in an endeavor if we don’t think it is valuable.

Studies show that children are more likely to embrace education and succeed in homes where education is valued, where there are books, and where parents are engaged in learning.

What are the Habits of Effective Successful Student?

Being a successful student does not take much hard work, there are also some habits one needs to develop. The key to becoming an effective student is learning how to study smarter, not harder. This becomes more and more true as you advance in your education.

An hour or two of studying a day is usually sufficient to make it through high school with satisfactory grades, but when college arrives, there aren’t enough hours in the day to get all your studying in if you don’t know how to study smarter.

1. Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one session.

Ever find yourself up late at night expending more energy trying to keep your eyelids open than you are studying? If so, it’s time for a change.

Successful students typically space their work out over shorter periods of time and rarely try to cram all of their studying into just one or two sessions.

If you want to become a successful student then you need to learn to be consistent in your studies and to have regular, yet shorter, study periods. Are among the good qualities of a successful student

2. Plan when you’re going to study

Successful students schedule specific times throughout the week when they are going to study — and then they stick with their schedule.

Students who study sporadically and whimsically typically do not perform as well as students who have a set study schedule.

Even if you’re all caught up with your studies, creating a weekly routine, where you set aside a period of time a few days a week, to review your courses will ensure you develop habits that will enable you to succeed in your education long term.

3. Study at the same time

Not only is it important that you plan when you’re going to study, but it’s also important you create a consistent, daily study routine.

When you study at the same time each day and each week, you’re studying will become a regular part of your life.

You’ll be mentally and emotionally more prepared for each study session and each study session will become more productive.

If you have to change your schedule from time to time due to unexpected events, that’s okay, but get back on your routine as soon as the event has passed.

4. Each study time should have a specific goal

Simply studying without direction is not effective. You need to know exactly what you need to accomplish during each study session.

Before you start studying, set a study session goal that supports your overall academic goal (i.e. memorize 30 vocabulary words in order to ace the vocabulary section on an upcoming Spanish test.)

5. Never procrastinate your planned study session

It’s very easy, and common, to put off your study session because of a lack of interest in the subject because you have other things you need to get done, or just because the assignment is hard. Successful students DO NOT procrastinate studying.

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If you procrastinate your study session, your studying will become much less effective and you may not get everything accomplished that you need to. Procrastination also leads to rushing, and rushing is the number one cause of errors.

6. Start with the most difficult subject first

As your most difficult assignment or subject will require the most effort and mental energy, you should start with it first.

Once you’ve completed the most difficult work, it will be much easier to complete the rest of your work. Believe it or not, starting with the most difficult subject will greatly improve the effectiveness of your study sessions and your academic performance.

7. Always review your notes before starting an assignment

Obviously, before you can review your notes you must first have notes to review. Always make sure to take good notes in class.

Before you start each study session, and before you start a particular assignment, review your notes thoroughly to make sure you know how to complete the assignment correctly.

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Reviewing your notes before each study session will help you remember important subject matter learned during the day, and make sure your studying is targeted and effective. Are among the good qualities of a successful student.

8. Make sure you’re not distracted while you’re studying

Everyone gets distracted by something. Maybe it’s the TV. Or maybe it’s your family. Or maybe it’s just too quiet. Some people actually study better with a little background noise. When you’re distracted while studying you

  • Lose your train of thought
  • Secondly, you will be unable to focus, both of which will lead to very ineffective studying.

Before you start studying find a place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted. For some people, this is a quiet cubical in the recesses of the library. For others is in a common area where there is a little background noise.

9. Use study groups effectively

Ever heard the phrase “two heads are better than one?” Well, this can be especially true when it comes to studying. Working in groups enables you to

  • Get help from others when you’re struggling to understand a concept
  • Complete assignments more quickly
  • Also teach others, thereby helping both the other students and yourself to internalize the subject matter.

However, study groups can become very ineffective if they’re not structured and if group members come unprepared. Effective students use study groups effectively.

10. Review your notes, schoolwork and other class materials over the weekend

Successful students review what they’ve learned during the week over the weekend. This way they’re well prepared to continue learning new concepts that build upon previous coursework and knowledge acquired the previous week.

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We’re confident that if you’ll develop the habits outlined above that you’ll see a major improvement in your academic success. All these habits also give you good qualities of becoming a successful student.

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